I scored a $10 Bumbo from Craig's List! Jack's not quite ready for it. We need to work on those neck muscles; but, as a friend pointed out, there is a lot of head going on there!
Jack always sits with his hands together. He either looks like he is planning some diabolical scheme or is really worried. He reminds me a lot of a certain evil genius.
Daniel, Jack and I were reading a story tonight and Jack started crying. Daniel leaned over, kissed his head and told him, "Don't worry Jack, I will never leave you." How much do I love that boy? So much.
Jack's personality is starting to show. He coos, smiles and laughs. He and I took a two hour nap on the couch tonight, so it looks like I have a date for the Golden Globes.
Sorry the video is sideways. I thought I could adjust it, but I am not that tech savvy.
It is official - Jack is a chunk-a-munk. We went to the pediatrician yesterday. He weighs 14 pounds 4 ounces, is 24 inches long and the giant noggin measures 17 inches.
When new babies arrive, I've read there can be some jealousy. You will see children revert to baby-like behavior. Who knew this jealousy and behavior would come from Page? Poor thing - she crawls in the boppy and bouncy seat any chance she gets. (She was ousted from the Boppy shortly after this photo was taken.)
My brother and sister-in-law came to visit after Christmas. It was great to see them. The girls loved holding and feeding Jack. Here is a picture of Azelyn holding Baby Jack. She was a natural. I wasn't able to get a picture of Adelaide :-(